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What are your opening hours ?

At the moment we can be found in person from 11 am to 5 pm in our shop at Stettiner Str 63 .

Please send us your request to with the subject "Gemeindeblatt Friedland".


We would be happy to make an appointment with you if required.

How can I place an advertisement in the community newspaper?

Do you also make copies?

YES, we offer service copies .


You will receive copies and digital prints from us as a service.

We are NOT a copyshop. There are no self-service copies .

Do you also have flyers?

YES, we take care of your flyers from design to printing.


Depending on what material is already available, we create your advertising material individually.

Do you print business cards?

YES , you can order business cards from us .


You get business cards from layout to print, everything from one source.

Or do you already have a finished layout?

Then we like to take care of the rest.

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